Rugby League is undoubtedly the greatest game of all. To say that I miss it is a huge understatement.

I miss the tries, the big hits, the crowds, the jerseys, even the referee errors. I miss literally everything about it.

That said, not even League has it exactly right.

Unfortunately, league is rather prone to a scandal. Some hilarious, some ridiculous and some unfortunately serious and life changing.

We take a look at 10 of the biggest Rugby League controversies and scandals of the century.

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For obvious reasons, we'll avoid specifics where they're not 100 per cent well known.

Here is our top 10...

4. Bulldogs Coffs Harbour Scandal

In 2004, a group of Bulldogs players were accused of engaging in nonconsensual group sex acts with a young woman while on a pre-season trip in Coffs Harbour.

It's very important to stress that no charges were laid, but this scandal has followed the club since that very day despite being largely not mentioned in league circles.

Johnathan Thurston said in a 2018 interview to discuss his autobiography that the woman involved "slept with six of them (players)" and that "consensual group sex, a girl sleeping with more than one NRL player at the same time, was not unusual."

Unfortunately for club officials they are currently dealing with another sex scandal on the NSW mid coast after two players were sacked and de-registered for being involved with females met on a club organised school visit.