Rugby League is undoubtedly the greatest game of all. To say that I miss it is a huge understatement.

I miss the tries, the big hits, the crowds, the jerseys, even the referee errors. I miss literally everything about it.

That said, not even League has it exactly right.

Unfortunately, league is rather prone to a scandal. Some hilarious, some ridiculous and some unfortunately serious and life changing.

We take a look at 10 of the biggest Rugby League controversies and scandals of the century.

For obvious reasons, we'll avoid specifics where they're not 100 per cent well known.

Here is our top 10...

7. Joel Monaghan's Mad Mad Monday

Another one I won't ever forget. I received a tirade of texts on November 5th 2010 whilst on a team building night at work. The contents of the texts seemed to ridiculous to be true yet unfortunately were spot on.

Joel Monaghan's Mad Monday idiocy saw him engage in a simulated sex act with a dog. Of course this was photographed and plastered all over every news paper and bulletin for the next 48 hours.

This was a black eye on the game and ended the former Raider's NRL career. Another player with a more than decent NRL and rep career who will be remembered for a moment of absolute lunacy.

Joel Monaghan
Joel Monaghan