Injured South Sydney foursome Cody Walker, Liam Knight, Adam Doueihi and Braidon Burns are all looking to return before the trails next year.

Walker, in particular, is making progress, as he's set to return to full conditioning next week, although he'll need to wait until January before starting contact training.

According to Rabbitohs' head of high performance Jarrod Wade, Walker is now a little ahead of schedule in terms of his return date.

"Due to Cody's professionalism and the way he's ripped into his recovery in the off-season, he's probably a little bit ahead of schedule," Wade told the club's website.

Knight and Doueihi both had off-season surgeries along with Walker, with Knight set to return to training in mid-January, while Doueihi will return early next month.

NRL Tipping


Burns has been on a modified program as he continues to work through a hamstring injury that saw him miss the 2019 finals series.

He is scheduled to return to training with the team following the Bunnies' Christmas break.


  1. To all the hardcore Souths supporters here , how do you feel about having someone as divisive as Walker ( late 30’s ) on your already depleted roster ?
    I’m a Tigers supporter but not a Souths hater.

  2. I’d prefer of he was a bit younger but it is what it is. So long as he’s performing then fine but my main concern is who we have coming though the lower ranks as future replacements

  3. Late 30s I think you are off a fair bit there lidcomeoval he was born 10/1/1990 that makes him 29 as we speak he will be 30 next season but remember he debut at age 26 so his body hasn’t taken the beatings of a normal 30 year old nrl player I give him at least another 4 years of playing first grade. I am happy if he keeps playing the way he did the start of last year

  4. I’m in two minds about Walker to be honest, Sutton reckons the talent coming through is awesome, but clearly Souths have a plan with Walker , on his day he is exceptional, hence why all the good judges rated him the best 5/8 next to Keary, but Souths won’t pay overs, he deserves 650k cause he is a class 5/8, but I would not be all that worried if he went to the Titans, infact I reckon he would be good for them, what ever happens i’ll be happy, Souths need another prop to be honest, but no many good one’s available though

  5. Agree with most of that Penso. I hope we keep Cody but don’t break the bank as you said we need another forward or two. My only concern is while having talent is great every club has it coming though….more or less. But talent isn’t enough without the right attitude and if I’m not mistaken there is a player somewhere having those issues right now, can’t remember who for the life of me as the media seem to be ignoring the story…….

  6. Interesting criptic response brisbaneb. are you referring to Souths, as i’m thinkling you are, or another club? Media rarely drop off a good story, so if you have something please enlighten us!

  7. Hi Penso it appears my last comment didn’t make it through the filters. To summarise sorry I have no inside information unlike “I have it on good authority Latrell will be at the roosters next year” because I like stating the obvious. My sarcasm was directed at the so called media and the endless waffle they carry on with just to get people to click on their story. I hope Latrell sorts himself out and returns to his best but for now just leave him alone to sort himself out

  8. I’d argue, and in the context of “a bit more than most 5/8’s” Walker’s style has to fit the team’s strategy, and I’d add I don’t think he’s the sort the player to build that strategy around.
    Reynolds and Walker seems to work, and is probably close to/if not the right combo, but if you disrupt the rythym/have to run a different style HB (Reynolds being injured) and his “off the cuff” style can turn ugly real quick.
    At $650-700k I’d argue that’s cheap to fair, with the right partner AND for the right team strategy, but with (even a slightly) wrong partner/overall style of play, it just doesn’t work.

  9. Bit of a worry Burns has so many hammy issues for such a young bloke (think he would of been our most dangerous back, had he not been injured for so long), n yes we’re 2 props short…..

  10. Oh well rabbit.
    Two centres that the club bought from Penrith. The top try scorer for the club, that they let go to Wests. Then Burns, who seems to be injured a lot . Even though he looks like one of the best backs there now when on the field.
    I’d like the Panthers to produce a couple more centres , so they could dump Whare.

  11. Great to read some Rugby League discussion without the peanut brigade destroying the good will.

    Well done Lidcombe, penso, killa, bbunny, eels, 1eye & EOD – great stuff.

    Maybe there is hope for this site after all

  12. Look everybody knows except these clowns phonelicks, penso, TwentOne, killa, bbunny, eels, 1eye & EOD and if I missed out on a few nobs, sorry….that Souths have a complete team of injury prone misfits. Even the one eyed numb.nut penso is not convinced angry ant footyball hoggg Walker is the proper linkman for the backline. Henceforth his scanning through Souths junior dud system for a possible replacement.

  13. Injured South Sydney foursome Cody Walker, Liam Knight, Adam Doueihi and Braidon Burns are all injury prone flops. Throw in the now retired Ingliss, Sam the Facebook Flasher, Lowe, Reynolds, Johnston, and the drunk snorter sacked from Brisbane in the centres and it is clearly a nucleus team of injury prone duds.

  14. Here we have an example of a clown who follows Canterbury Cup more than the NRL in The fool EOD who still claims Penrith local juniors who arrive at Penrith from Parkes. EastOfParkes beleives you must develop players born in your district to win a comp, hence the ninkinpoop is always to busy watching juniors than real footy.

    This Goose is somewhat similar to the Fool TwentyOne who claims premierships are won with stay at home fans and high membership numbers. If you combine these two nutz together then I suppose the result would be a girlboy named penso. These three numb.nutz know nothing about Rugby League.

  15. Same old elephant , under different names.
    Do you have an actual opinion on anything to do with Rugby League?

  16. Come on ZT time you got rid of adamh , roperoos and mark.w so this site can have some creditablity, these guys need to get a life some where else

  17. My goodness pansy penso can attempt to dish it out with his backwards style of knowledge, yet the femanine lad cannot take his own medicine when it comes to facts regarding his team filled with slack rabbit minded personel, within Souths playing roster.

  18. Pansi you are a cry baby. Grow up and stop sooking off to others to do your dirty work. Fight on or go away.

  19. Ropeable, Mark, Adam, TheBronco, or any other Chicken Nugget invention. It’s all the one WoodTool penso.
    If given enough rope, it will hopefully hang itself. Maybe it could find some , at Hudsons with a ‘H’?

  20. Nice call eod, woodtool is all of them, every now and then he gives himself away with the same line of thought under different names, what a tool

  21. TheRopeableRooster it looks like you are onto this woman penso. I see She has EastOfDivide doing its dirty work.

    Grow up penso! Just because there are plenty on here that have definded your ridiculous comments as totally childish with your cry baby sooking attidude. It does not give you the right to brush them all off as the same person.
    You really need to take a good hard look at yourself. Seems to all your attidude has no soul and no heart. Exposing yourself as a typical Souths fan that replicates the Rabbit football team. Hahahahahah, unbelievable hahahahaha…

  22. Sure thing :WoodStackEdwardHowardRabbidHudsonMarkAdamRedTheBronco. Did you find that piece of Ropeable Rope to use yet?
    It may be hiding under your Chicken Nuggets ? Or under your pile of sign in names? You could look under the corporate sponsorships or even the Sombrero.
    I’ll be waving your French Flag for you. 🇫🇷 There’s another one for you.

  23. The apprentice fool of Twentyone, EastOfParkes the space.cadet, has spoken his Wisdom, better translated in Earthling terms as garbage. Now run away and stop being to penso, manwi.fe of TwentyOne.

  24. You know I really believe EastofDivide, Penso, Twentyone, shadow are all the same fool under the one name trying to make out there are diverse opinions on here for the sake of attacking others opinions such as fair minder roosters supporters. Cmon ZT get rid of this fool and his/her muti user names.

  25. You seem Ropeable there Mark, Adam. Or whoever you decide you are today?
    How about a good sing along to make you happy again.
    The La Marseillaise should do it. Your favourite teams favourite national anthem. 🇫🇷

  26. Here you go MarkusRopeable…Just for You! Aux armes, citoyens
    Formez vos bataillons
    Marchons, marchons!
    Qu’un sang impur
    Abreuve nos sillons!
    Allons enfants de la Patrie
    Le jour de gloire est arrivé!
    Contre nous de la tyrannie
    L’étendard sanglant est levé
    L’étendard sanglant est levé
    Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
    Mugir ces féroces soldats?
    Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
    Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes!
    Aux armes, citoyens
    Formez vos bataillons
    Marchons, marchons!
    Qu’un sang impur
    Abreuve nos sillons!
    Nous entrerons dans la carrière
    Quand nos aînés n’y seront plus,
    Nous y trouverons leur poussière
    Et la trace de leurs vertus
    Et la trace de leurs vertus
    Bien moins jaloux de leur survivre
    Que de partager leur cercueil
    Nous aurons le sublime orgueil
    De les venger ou de les suivre
    Aux armes, citoyens
    So Don’t Worry, Be Happy Now! 🇫🇷

  27. Hey RopeableMark..
    There’s nothing fair minded about you , or you as your other sign in names.
    Is the fair mindedness of yours in the form of your personal attacks, swearing, or racist rants perhaps?
    I only counter attack , when you start attacking myself or others on here.
    Look well above , if you need any proof of that. It was just a talk about league & South’s, until you appeared in all your different guises .
    Of course, you didn’t say Fair Minded. You said Fair Minder Chicken. I always thought you weren’t the Chicken Plucker , just the Chickens Minder! 👍

  28. This is true RopeableRooster but check this out from another clown.

    ….……..NEWS FLASH…………..

    Penso is indeed the BrisbaneBunny…..lets look at his two separate logins and notice the exact same words used in this story by the same penso the clown individual.

    pensoDecember 13, 2019 at 8:54 pm

    “F.. off…..Turner is a solid player and I wish he was still there, but he is not”

    brisbanebunnyDecember 15, 2019 at 9:08 pm

    “Turner is solid player who can cover a number of positions”

    The evidence is overwhelming that penso is still in love with his sacked hero Turner both as penso and as the BrisbaneBunny. Hahahaha. Your busted big time Shadow/penso/brizyrabbit!!!! Hahahahaha…Hahahaha

  29. As I said..
    Same elephant in the room, under a different name.
    You don’t fool anyone WoodStack.
    Remove one old piece of timber. Would there even be a Chickens supporter on here at all? You could answer that & then sign in under another name & reply to yourself. 👍

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