James Fisher-Harris set rugby league circles ablaze on Wednesday afternoon when his signing with the Warriors was announced.

In the social media age, it's very rare that a signing of this stature is announced without days or even weeks of speculation.

Congratulations to both the Warriors and Panthers for allowing this process to play out behind closed doors.

JFH has been one of the game's elite props in the past few seasons. Top five certainly, I could even be talked into naming him in the top three.

If you wanted to even put him second behind Payne Haas, that would be fine with me.

His loss will be felt by Penrith. Perhaps even more than the list of superstars they've lost recently.

As good as he is on the park, and that is very good, he is a leader of the club and sets the example. He will be missed.

rugby league moves on quickly though and the Panthers have already been linked with a host of replacements.

I've tried to keep these as players that could be genuinely be available. Obviously if you're Penrith you want to read the names Joseph Tapine, Payne Haas or the like, but we're talking a limited, available player pool.

Below are the five I'd offer up as potential replacements for James Fisher-Harris:

Honorable Mention: Nelson Asofa-Solomona

If the Storm big man were to be made available, I have no doubt that Ivan Cleary would be very tempted.

Given he is back in the Storm setup though, I just can't see Craig Bellamy letting him go at this stage.


1. Stefano Utoikamanu

The Tigers giant has been rapidly linked to the club and supposedly identified as their main target.

Utoikamunu has a series of "get out" clauses in his contract. Reportedly if he plays either three, or three more Origins, he will became a free agent.

Much more likely though is the chance he'll become a "free agent" via the Tigers failing to make the Finals this year.

This makes a potential move risky for the Panthers though.

If the Tigers are in the fight, they won't even be able to talk to big Stefano until the Tigers can't make Finals.

Although right now, to be brutally honest, the Tigers look a long way from Finals Footy, you won't know officially for many months.

I have no doubt that if the Tigers crash out again in 2024 than the NSW Origin prop's attention could be swayed.

Why wouldn't it? A chance to play for the mighty Panthers. To replace a club legend no less.

He is the very obvious replacement for very obvious reasons. The first being available and the second of course being that he's a brilliant middle forward.

At only 23 year's of age (he'd be 24 by the time he would join Penrith) Utoikamanu's best footy is very much still ahead of him!
