With Origin dominating the main stream headlines for the next few weeks, a few talking points will inevitably slip under the radar.

The NRL's silly season is really yet to hit full swing. We've seen a few big name signings for next season but there are plenty of moves to come.

One domino set to fall sooner than later is 19-year-old Bulldogs centre Paul Alamoti.

Despite an indifferent season to date, I still have no doubt in the world that Alamoti is going to develop into a weapon out wide.

Whether or not that will be with his current club in 2024 and beyond is up for debate.

Below are five likely destinations for the wrecking ball centre.


1. Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs

Despite the impending arrival of both Bronson Xerri and Stephen Crichton, there's still a chance Alamoti remains with the Bulldogs.

Jake Averillo is off-contract and reportedly being chased by multiple clubs. Hayze Perham probably hasn't done enough at fullback to demand a spot with the starting lineup next season.

The pre-season hype on Alamoti was huge. He was the consensus favourite to win Rookie of the Year honours.

He probably hasn't lived up to that hype, but it's worth remembering this is a 19-year-old playing in a side struggling to score points.

Kayal Iro, 2023's NSW Cup Player of the Season and the player generally seen as a future star, was comfortably handled by Alamoti in last year's reserve grade Prelim.

Some will argue that's irrelevant but Iro is a player on a similar career trajectory and despite being a few years older, is at a similar place in his career.

I would be shocked if there wasn't serious discussions with hopes to retain their young centre. I see an Alamoti/Xerri combination as the way forward in blue and white.

If the Dogs are only able to secure one of Alamoti or Averillo, my money is firmly in the corner of the younger, and potentially cheaper, option.



  1. As you say, he is only 19. Moving to Townsville and cutting himself of from family and friends and his wider “support group” is not something I would recommend for him.

    Even the best, mature players can struggle moving cities (you’d know that yourself, after seeing how Shaun Johnson failed to fit in at Cronulla, and how much happier he has looked since he went back to Auckland).

    If he is going to move, the bus-ride to Parra looks his best option, to my mind.

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