I'm reliably informed that we are now less than 50 days from some NRL action. Although it feels like the longest off-season of all time, the days are counting down!
Still though, as we enter February, there are many questions still remaining. Dare I say more than in most previous pre-seasons?
So here I am, to save the day and answer the big questions. Given my track record is absolutely flawless (please don't search my predictions from the past) you can bank on these!
2. Will Cameron Smith play in 2021?
I can't imagine him retiring with such a whimper. This is arguably the best player of all time we're talking about here. Certainly the best player of the modern generation.
Leaving with a Grand Final win is the perfect exit, however what's to say that the Storm won't go back to back?
If he was going to retire, he would have come out and given a definitive statement. He would have also been snapped up by Channel 9 or Fox to come on fulltime.
Sharks won’t make the finals.
They will be fighting it out with the Broncos for the spoon.