Pictures have surfaced that prove Eels recruit Blake Ferugson did not fake a foot injury to cover up an alleged drug overdose.

The Sunday Telegraphย published the photos from Ferguson's injured left foot that led to his hospitalisation in December.

The 28-year old was happy for the photos to surface following reports that he ended up in hospital due to an off-season bender that led to a drug overdose.

The Sunday Telegraphย also also reportedly seen a copy of Ferguson's medical report.

The Roosters premiership player admitted himself to hospital on Christmas day last year after a cut on his foot became infected, spending 10 days in hospital after undergoing surgery.

2025 NRL Season Guide


Ferguson is expected to be fit for Parramatta's round one clash against the Panthers on March 17.

Click here to see the pictures posted by The Sunday Telegraph.


  1. Gee whiz lucky that they have the proof of his injured foot or some of the nutters on this site would want the Roosters punished for iledgally taking drugs

  2. There is pattern developing where roosters unload a player, he ends up negatively in the media.
    Just a coincidence I guess.

  3. There is pattern developing where roosters unload a player, he ends up negatively in the media.
    Just a coincidence I guess.

  4. 100% screaming. Something stinks over at bondi. It will be just a matter of time when all the cap rorts are finally uncovered with all their disgruntled players coming clean on the years of cover ups. Just waiting for the illegitimate premierships to be stripped too.

  5. I understand why you hate the rooster some much we have a better ceo, coach and team, our club is being run a lot better than you pathetic excuse for a team.

    Itโ€™s pretty embarrassing that your team has been proven to have cheated and they finished bottom 4. Anybtam that has been caught cheating has no right to even mention the roosters, it going to be a long year for you manly fans

  6. Hereโ€™s some facts for you Kev, manly pay more for cherry Evans than we do for Cronk and teddy and turbo are on the same money, turbo and cherry are not worth close to Cronk and teddy are worth, another example of a failing club

  7. Screamingeagle….
    Gotta be a coincidence! Surely the Roosters wouldn’t sink so low. I’m sure you’re mistaken…
    Let’s be realistic here.
    Both Ferguson and Napa leave the Roosters.
    Both end up with bad publicity only weeks before they start playing with their new club.
    Both have their reputations stained – again .
    Both had bad reputations when they played with the Roosters
    One at least committed his current indiscretion while playing for the Roosters
    Who could be behind this current drama – oh right, got it.

  8. And comments like these damage the game.
    The timing of the Napa videos couldn’t have been worse for the Dogs, and the Roosters dodged a bullet, agreed. Coincidence? I don’t know, but if it is it’s a big 1, that’s for sure.
    I’d be interested in your theory. Like do you actually think that senior officials had the knowledge of these videos, and then publically released them now that he’s left the club? What would they gain from publically releasing them, other than potentially weakening an already weak side, that’s hardly a threat to them this season? Why wouldn’t they, at the very least, wait until the Dogs could be a threat to their club etc. And if it wasn’t an employee of the Roosters that released these videos, wouldn’t it be fair to say the Roosters weren’t involved?
    As for the Fergo story, that is a coincidence, and a very weak one at that.
    I’m not gullible enough to believe there aren’t any issues within the NRL, and yes our recent salary cap cheating is but 1 example, but there are also a lot of, let’s call them extremely dubious/flippant calls made against players, clubs, and the NRL, on social media sites from RL supporters.

  9. Kev, it’s statements like “Uncle Nick pays the NRL a lot of money to keep out of his, and his clubs business.” that make people, such as Back2Back has, assume you’re a Manly supporter.
    Just taking the mickey.

  10. “Like do you actually think that senior officials had the knowledge of these videos, and then publicly released them now that heโ€™s left the club? ”

    I don’t believe the Rosters publicly released the videos when Napa left the club but you can bet your bottom dollar they stopped protecting him from them being released.

    If Napa was still at the Roosters no one would know about those videos now.

  11. Poltiis leaked the videos himself. The old sugar daddy doesn’t like players leaving his club he hasn’t punted first.

  12. Maybe. I’m not arguing that the timing doesn’t look sus, but it’s still a maybe.
    Perhaps looking at it from a different perspective could highlight grounds for improvement.
    I think it’s fair to assume the Roosters and the Dogs had no involve in this incident, yet it would appear the Dogs are going to pay, because of the timing, and as per comments above it could have been, maybe should have been the Roosters, if the videos were released earlier.
    But if neither club was involved, why should either club pay?

  13. The whole system stinks, roosters get away with everything. Certain clubs and players are always favoured by the NRL. It doesnโ€™t surprise me one bit that the dogs will get punished for the roosters culture. Greenburg is always after the bulldogs to prove he ainโ€™t biased towards them. He shouldnโ€™t be running the NRL. He should be on Sesame Street as one of the puppets

  14. Biased?
    Fergo = foot injury.
    Napa = photos/ videos 5 years ago with a consenting female.

    Is the dogs culture good? Drinking beer off mates pen is’s?

  15. Yes it is all supposition, the timing of the stories, the fact the two players in question are both recent former Roosters. But the stories are out there now and everyone is going to have their own theory and want to voice their views. Nothing they have to say on forums like this is doing any real harm to the game, the real damage has already done when the incident occurred and the story was made public.
    It’s more than a little coincidental, with the timing and players in question, not to think about possible Roosters involvement somewhere but certainly the Dogs or Eels shouldn’t be paying the price in any way for these latest stories.
    I for one would much rather be talking about great games and brilliant players than the off field dramas during the off season. Bring on kickoff.

  16. It is interesting to see the story the NRL are to investigate past and current Roosters players in relation to the leaking of the Napa sex tapes.
    From the story I just read it would appear the site the tapes were on was limited exclusively to Roosters players.
    Action will be taken against any players involved.
    It’s also interesting to read the Bulldogs intend to seek compensation pending the outcome of penalties imposed on Napa.
    Full story available on Fox Sports – NRL.

  17. People in these comments seem to be treating this as if Ferguson has been caught taking drugs. The whole purpose of this story is proving otherwise. Ferguson hasn’t suddenly got bad publicity, any which he did have through gossip has now been squandered. Are you seriously assuming that the Roosters are salty that he left after we didn’t offer him a contract, and so started some pathetic gossip that he’s a druggie? Dream on that’s laughable.
    Those of you who are waiting for things to fall apart at bondi, don’t hold your breath. No premierships are suddenly going to be taken away. If you are so certain that we’re over the cap, our players are involved in massive indiscressions and somehow we keep this all under wraps, you really do need to think again. Its delusional beyond belief.

  18. After reading all these comments on here it seems to me all the manly fans are whinging and whining when really should be looking at there own team instead of the roosters or anyone else for that matter manly sacked barrett because he spoke out about the facilities at manly in my opinion dce runs that club.if Ferguson did have a drug overdose he would have been caught out as i for napa the video was before he made it in the nrl the only team thats protected is Melbourne people dont mistake who i go for im a dragons supporter through and through.

  19. It appears the Napa tapes were made 5 years ago during the Roosters trip to the USA, following the 2013 grand final. Napa was part of that team.
    The fact that the NRL sees a need to investigate the Roosters players, past and present, will do one of two things. Find the guilty culprit who released the tapes or exonerate the Roosters players. Either way, the matter should be investigated.
    As for the Blake Ferguson drug overdose rumours, I hadn’t heard anything about it until this story and similar stories came out in the press a couple of days ago. I don’t think anyone on here has treated it as anything more than it is – scurrilous rumour.
    As for our poor Manly mates whinging and whining, it’s not a problem, it’s just a requirement for every Manly fan. And let’s be honest, with their current owners why wouldn’t you whinge.
    And last but certainly not least , there’s Melbourne. Protected? I don’t think so. Let’s be absolutely honest about Melbourne. It doesn’t matter what you accuse Melbourne of doing, EVERY team does it, Melbourne just do it better .

  20. The problem is Kelby, that the club (Bulldogs) will be punished if Napa is banned from playing. They have paid to have a quality player on the field and they will lose that player due to something that happened while he was at a separate club.
    If any punishment is handed down to Napa, it should be no more than a fine.

  21. In the end for a club that just won a premiership, another in 2013 and 4
    minor premierships in that time what does it tell you that they struggle to sign up memberships?
    It confirms the roosters have a culture that doesn’t appeal to people starting at the top in Nick Politis.
    It confirms that buying premierships doesn’t equate to more members.
    It confirms that fans dont want to be part of a club with no soul.

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